The Many Over the Money
NETWORK’s Non-Partisan Voter Education Series Shows the Power of People Uniting
Sr. Emily TeKolste, SP
August 15, 2024

Sr. Emily TeKolste, SP, center, visits St. Gertrude Catholic Church in Chicago for a NETWORK election year training on April 14. Also pictured, left to right, are Vic and Mary Doucette from NETWORK’s Chicago team, Ken Brucks, and Sr. Eilis McCulloh, HM. Sr. Emily is NETWORK’s Grassroots Mobilization Coordinator.
From Indiana to California, from New Jersey to Texas, NETWORK Advocates across the nation want to build a world where everyone thrives, no exceptions. And they’re showing up. My colleagues and I have been privileged to work with wonderful advocates — NETWORK mainstays and new faces alike — who have attended online and in-person trainings to build skills and explore a variety of ways they can talk about the issues that matter to them and help their neighbors participate in our democracy this election.
We know we’re facing some big obstacles: a few ultrawealthy people are pouring big money into organizations trying to divide us over issues like immigration and rights for people in the LGBTQ+ community. They know that when we’re working against each other, we can’t see the ways they’re working to get big tax breaks for themselves and their ultra-wealthy friends — leaving the rest of us with few resources and struggling communities.
This election year, we’re coming together from across the country and across our many differences of race, age, and gender to build the skills we need to unite our nation around our shared values.
In April and May, the NETWORK team hosted two rounds of a four-week online training series. We talked about the many issues that matter to us when we consider candidates. We explored ways to talk about our issues that can help others see them as important — both in interpersonal conversations and in the ways that we contribute to the public narratives in our nation. Lastly, we explored other ways to get involved — everything from serving as poll workers to hosting ballot research parties.
We’ve also been hosting in-person trainings. These three-hour interactive workshops cover some of the content from the online trainings and give participants opportunities to practice and strengthen their skills even further.
Attendees have been thrilled by the skill-building opportunities and energized by the hope of being in community. Alice from California said, “Your sessions give direct, usable, doable actions for anyone who wants it. When we apply the information, results happen.” Sr. Mary Jo from Wisconsin said, “I wanted more hope in regards to this election. You provided it. Thank you.”
Participants practiced talking about our visions for a future in which everyone thrives and learned about the policies that are helping us get there — recent victories like the largest investment in climate change prevention in U.S. history through the Inflation Reduction Act and the largest cut in child poverty in over 50 years through the American Rescue Plan.
They learned skills like deep listening and storytelling that help reshape people’s perspectives in one-on-one conversations and transformative narrative-building through the Race Class Narrative framework. Finally, they explored ways to get going on the ground, and many have signed up to be poll workers, committed to hosting voter registration drives, and much more.
As NETWORK has always done, we approach this election year with hope and welcome. From Nuns on the Bus to the 2022 Pope Francis Voter Tour to everyday conversations with policymakers in Congress, NETWORK staff and NETWORK advocates are transforming our politics by boldly declaring that all people deserve to have what they need to thrive. And we can get there when we go together — when we overcome the attempts to divide us by race, gender, and creed — and declare that all people are made in the image and likeness of God, who came that we “may have life and have it more abundantly.”
Like Alice and Sr. Mary Jo, we know that hope is an active virtue, and when we take action together, the many can defeat the money.
This is how we show up for each other, creating a world where nobody goes hungry, where people have access to safe and reliable shelter, good-paying jobs, and the ability to contribute to their communities. Together, we will vote our future so that everyone thrives — no exceptions!
This story was published in the Quarter 3 2024 issue of Connection.
Want to join in the action? Are you in the Louisville, KY area? Register today for “Informed, Engaged, and Committed: NETWORK’s 2024 Election Year Training,” happening Saturday, Aug. 24, 8:30 am – 12 pm EDT, at Epiphany Catholic Church in Louisville. See you there!