This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational. Current Nuns on the Bus information can be found at
CHI - Rally
“Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine”—Rally for the 100%
By Sister Bernadine Karge, OP
September 25, 2014
The sun shone upon the hundred-plus folks gathered for the
2:00 p.m. rally in Union Park on the near southwest side of Chicago, for the
last event of this “espresso” day with Nuns on the Bus, September 25, 2014.
The speakers shone a light on the realities of their lives
We the People, We the Workers—
who suffer disrespect, discrimination
and wage theft on the job
who work fulltime earning
$9.25 an hour, but do not earn enough to support a 16 year-old-daughter
and himself
who head up a union to
maintain the rights of laborers in the union.
Sister Simone summed up the learnings of the day from the
breakfast business leaders roundtable who, while striving to live ethically and
do right by their employees, are in a system where the measure of success is
making money—more than one’s competitor even if one already has enough money.
We the People, We the Voters have to come to the table to
speak the truth of the reality of our lives to understand how we are
interrelated and how we affect each other. We need to not only mind the gap,
but strive to mend the gap between the 99% and the 1%, so We the People can
live in dignity and peace in our globalized world.
In the final blessing we committed ourselves to build community,
to live in hope, to bring about change, and TO VOTE on November 4, 2014. “In
the voting booth, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it