September 17, 2014
What a day! Because we had such a high emotion and jam-packed day today
(events with Progress Iowa, Iowa CCI, and of course our kickoff with Vice
President Biden), we decided that we would all offer a few words of reflection
how we are feeling after 24 hours of being Iowa’s “Nuns on the Bus”:
“Collaborative effort of the religious women of the upper Mississippi
valley has been significant for me for some time. The opportunity to broaden
this experience by being one of the sisters riding the bus is truly meaningful.
What a cause we are promoting—each coming from our unique perspective for the
good of “We the People,” the 100%! A highlight of the day was today during
door-knocking with Iowa CCI, when an African-American woman answered her door,
immediately affirmed the need for raising the minimum wage, and stated that she
would definitely be voting in the November election.” – Sister Marge Staudt, OSF (Sioux City)
“My highlight of the
day was knocking on doors and hearing excitement for raising the minimum wage.
This was in a poorer neighborhood; people were so grateful and happy! It was
heartwarming that two new young voters signed the voter pledge and committed to
supporting a raise to the minimum wage.”
– Sister Gwen Hennessey, OSF (Sioux City)
“Our first day was
filled with memorable and energizing moments. How will I ever forget… the
warmth, the ease, the message and affirmation of Vice President Joe Biden?! And
then to have the honor of sitting next to him for lunch, what a joy! After VP Biden
‘signed’ our bus and departed we visited the offices of Iowa CCI, where we
experienced their special work. Our message of Democracy and the importance of
inviting all to vote was proclaimed and affirmed.” – Sister Mary McCauley, BVM (Dubuque)
“Morning prayer: having come together less than 24 hours
before our prayer time, I was moved by the strong sense of one-ness of
community. How special it was to come together from our various communities and
to feel so accepted and a part of the mission facing us. VP Joe Biden: The
gathering at the Iowa Capitol was energizing. The people were quite welcoming
and responsive to the messages incorporated. Having lunch as we did with the VP
was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He’s something else! Such a delight! Door
knocking: Going door to door talking to people about voting was a highlight
that touched my heart more than I expected. The realization that these are the
very people we are reaching out to and wanting justice for made the experience
so REAL and stressed to me the importance of such contacts.” – Sister Bea Snyder, CHM (Davenport)
“The first day of the Nuns on the Bus 2014 was amazing. We opened
our rally with a bank of press and about 500 people, and 10 nuns all joining
together to lift up the need for people to triumph over "big money"
by voting. There are so many moments that jump out of my memory, but perhaps
the one that stands out is Vice President Biden meeting with people in the
crowd and hearing their stories, hugging and kissing them. It was politics up
close and personal and all about the bus trip. We share a commitment to the
people of our nation and need to do the hard work of democracy. I was touched
when the Vice President said to us that we underestimate the impact that we
have on people and our world. I realized it is so true. We are just trying to
do our mission and have this amazing moment to lift up the hope of our nation.
It made me so grateful to be used by the Spirit in this moment!” – Sister Simone Campbell, SSS (Washington, DC)
“It was exhilarating to see our crowd of supporters and
friends greet us as we began our journey.
Hearing Sr. Simone's faith-filled urging of all of us to vote for the
100% and being able to include the crowd in community building was a humbling
experience. VP Joe Biden's gratitude to the sisters and the witness of his
values as a public servant was a moving experience. And finally to personally get to ride the bus
with him, eat lunch with him, hearing his stories and his broad knowledge of church
and world was an emotional spiritual high for me.” – Sister Elaine Hagedorn, CHM (Des Moines)
“Wow! We are
nearing the end of our first exciting, grace-filled day on the bus! It started with prayer together this morning
and a sharing of our hopes, anxieties, trust and sense of
"togetherness" as we embark on the journey together "for the
people"! We arrived at the Iowa
Capitol on this glorious sun-filled day for what turned out to be an uplifting
experience of extended community. 300+ people
of our state came to support "the nuns" and our work -- as we came to
support "the people." The
presence of VP Joe Biden was a highlight of the event as he traveled from D.C.
to be with us, affirming our efforts to lift up the marginalized and encourage
folks to use their power to effect change by voting. A special delight was his riding the bus with
us to a little local diner where we "broke break" together for an
hour and a half. The afternoon included
canvassing low-income neighborhoods in Des Moines, talking and listening to
ordinary struggling families and encouraging them to register to vote. The final event of a very full day was a
fundraiser for Progress Iowa where we met some lovely activists and made new
friends. As we journey onward tonight to
Council Bluffs our bodies are weary but our hearts so full of gratitude for all
the good people whose lives we have touched this day ... prayers for each of
them and a lifting of the burdens they carry.” – Sister Jeanie Hagedorn, CHM (Des Moines)
“The most impressive experience
for me today was the realization of the breadth of style, knowledge and
interests of Vice President Biden. From the stage, at the rally, he spoke with
great knowledge, very intellectually and compassionately about a range of
issues, from immigration and finance to the experiences of people who
desperately need the raising of the minimum wage. He was formal, while
'homey." At lunch, he spoke more to
faith and his upbringing, his interactions with Popes, and of the history of
issues in the Church. He has read and studied from Church documents and from
secular histories of the same -- and is at ease speaking from where his heart
and his intellectual pursuits have merged. What a gift to be able to
Today at our rally, a small business owner, Laura Comito, spoke
eloquently of the interdependence of employers, employees and supply chains,
with their employees. As she is able to hire, they will do more work, requiring
purchase of more materials, supporting their suppliers. If the minimum wage is
raised, they will have more customers, be able to produce and sell even more of
their artwork. It seems so simple and so logical - it is a wonder that so many
can't see it.
Vice President Biden raised similar patterns at the macro level.
Added to the mix are the tax loopholes that allow devastating impacts on the
economy by corporations that take advantage of them. One escalating practice is
the buyback of stock shares, forcing values to rise, and distributing them to
upper management in lieu of salary, allowing them to contribute less to the common
good in taxes.
Each example points up the need for the 100% to support and hold
sacred the 100%.” – Sister Marge Clark, BVM (Dubuque/Washington, DC)
“The word of the day for me is energy. It was amazing to be
part of the swirl and be swept up in the energy released today by people
committed to equality and the common good—Simone Campbell, Joe Biden, the
people gathered at the Capitol, at Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, and
Progress Iowa. Together, we can make a difference” – Sister Jan Cebula, OSF (Clinton/Kansas City, MO)
“What a day! The kickoff of Nuns on the Bus, of all the
amazing sacred events with the people of faith committed to creating a society
where everybody matters. My favorite activity was knocking on doors and meeting
folks who instantly without hesitation supported the increase of the minimum
wage and without hesitation said ‘I am a voter!’ The wisdom of the workers can
lead us to justice.” – Sister Kathy
Thornton, RSM (Cedar Rapids/Omaha, NE)
“How humbling to have the people at the rally so excited to
see us and welcome us with open arms. VP Biden’s attention to every person he
met was impressive. He didn’t leave the restaurant until every waiter, child,
customer had their pictures taken with him or got his autograph. Our morning
prayer set the stage for a day where the Spirit presence with us was so
evident.” – Sister Richelle Friedman,
PBVM (Dubuque/Washington, DC)