This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational. Current Nuns on the Bus information can be found at
Council Bluffs -
Our Town Hall Meeting in Council Bluffs, Iowa
By Sister Mary McCauley, BVM
September 18, 2014
By 9:00 a.m. on Thursday morning the “Nuns on the Bus”
arrived at New Horizon Presbyterian Church in Council Bluffs, IA. We were
greeted warmly by a number of Mercy and Notre Dame Sisters from Omaha, as well
as supportive and curious residents of Council Bluffs.
Sister Claudia Robinson, the Director of Interfaith Response
welcomed us. A number of the people present were long-time volunteers for
this service agency, whose major goal is to prevent homelessness.
Sister Simone then introduced the Iowa Bus Riders,
explaining the reason for this ten-state tour. Those assembled resonated
with the focus of our tour…that we are about living the Constitution…that our
bus ride is about “We the People have the Power! We the People have the
privilege and responsibility to vote!”
Following Sister Simone’s comments we entered into a Town
Hall process. Through honest and at times
hesitant sharing those gathered identified the following issues as
issues of concern:
Gap between the rich and the poor
Violence in society
Too much government
Power of big money
Polarization…hence the need to dialogue across
party lines
Lack of communication and openness to those who
do not share similar views/values
Our dialogue led us to action. All present were
invited to sign the “I am a Voter” pledge cards and in turn, to invite family,
members of their faith communities, and neighbors to do the same.
Finally, all present were then invited to “sign the bus”
assuring their presence with us through the entire ten-state tour.