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Louisville - Site Visit 1
Shively Area Ministries in Louisville, KY
Sister Joetta Venneman, PBVM
1, 2014
first stop of the day is Shively Area Ministries, one of several in a network
of community ministries supported by local churches, private organizations and
the federal government.
in the 40216 zip code, the poverty rate has climbed from 11% to 18% since the
last census. The center shares food both from local and federal sources. It
provides financial assistance to individuals in need for utility services, rent
and medications. Lastly, it offers Meals on
Wheels, counseling and education in health and finances.
met Kim, a resident of Shively who was among those in need of help today. She
is a middle-aged white woman who recently lost her job and has placed her house
up for sale. Filled with sadness and uncertainty, she was shocked into
transition as a result of these circumstances. "I hadn't intended to start
over at my age," she said.
informed her that I could not relate nor would I pretend to, but that the situation must be pretty tough. She
acknowledged this with a nod amidst her grief. Time was cut short for a tour of
the facility. I wondered what this must be like to lose all security and readjust
to something that I felt I had no control over.