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Raleigh - Capitol Rally

Rally in Raleigh

By Sister Margie Hosch, OSF

October 4, 2014

Atmosphere: electric, high energy

Thoughts shared which remain alive in me:

  • Join hands together
  • Create imagination
  • Bless us with enough foolishness to believe we can make a difference

  • Touch the truth of the pain in this world
  • If you buy our table it isn’t democracy
  • Touch the pain and share it to overcome it.

A triangle of relatedness happened when a couple introduced themselves as growing up near Dubuque, IA (where my congregation is based), cousins to a sister in my community, and our meeting in Raleigh. Connections happen!

Women shared their distress with their church, which served out of the past instead of reaching towards the future.

  • “you, sisters, are our leaders”
  • “you give us hope”
  • “thank you for loving the poor”
  • “we are one with you”
  • “here is some money for your cause”
  • “Sister Simone is a fire which will never be put out”
  • “She is the first prophet I have ever met.”

Another moment that was very moving was signing “we shall not be moved” and walking in unity to the bus with all unique people of multiple races and beliefs, but all as one in believing we are equal and one body in the Body of Christ.

We are family and we are one.