This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational. Current Nuns on the Bus information can be found at
Mankato - Rally
Rally for the 100%- Mankato, MN
By Sister Alice Zachmann, SSND
September 22, 2014
We’ve just begun in Minnesota. The people who came in
Mankato had this “unknown” expression on their faces. “What is this about?” This
“unknown” soon disappeared after Sister Simone gave her enlightened
presentation. The faces changed to “can you tell us more?” It happened as
people shared the answers to the questions prepared—the buzz increased as the
eagerness to share became evident. The enthusiasm for ongoing participation was
evident in the numbers of voter pledge cards taken, buttons and other
It’s been exhilarating! Evidence of faith and hope has been
shared in Mankato, our second stop.