This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational. Current Nuns on the Bus information can be found at
Detroit Moses
Our Last Day in Michigan
By Sister Carol Coston, OP, and Sister Nancy Sylvester, IHM
September 29, 2014
We began our last day in Michigan, as we had every day, sitting
together in prayer. Toward the end of our prayer we shared how the days’ events
were like a kaleidoscope with the faces of hundreds of people coming into focus.
These Michiganders shared similar stories of suffering, frustration and some
hope, but in their own unique perspectives.
Our first stop was in front of the 36th District
Court, where we joined with M.0.S.E.S., a faith based community organization, to
do voter registration. We then went to lunch at Colors, a training restaurant
committed to using local food that is very involved with local organizations to
promote food sustainability in the city. Some of the representatives of these
groups joined us and shared their work with us.
Our final stop was a Town Hall for the 100% at Marygrove
College, co-sponsored with the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and M.O.S.E.S. The energy in the room was electric as close to 250 people
shared their concerns and ideas as to how to move forward. Concerns raised
included making voting more accessible; getting the disenfranchised to vote;
holding candidates responsible for what they say after they are elected;
getting people engaged; educating everyone on the candidates’ positions through
public forums and debates. One suggestion was to end corporate personhood so as
to curtail their influence on elections and policy. There are many who need
assistance in voting and. neighbors and church communities can help. As we
ended, it was clear that we need each other and that each of us can do
As the Michigan Nuns on the Bus ended we felt pride in the
Nuns on the Bus tour and the hope and energy that it ignites in the places we/they visit. We felt pride in the fifth Executive
Director of NETWORK, Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, who continues to evolve
NETWORK in response to the Spirit of these times. We especially appreciated the
young women who were staffing the trip and their competence and compassion. And
we felt proud of the women and men throughout the years who have continued to
support NETWORK and to tell their stories about their ministries and the people
affected by unjust policies. It is for all of us that we need to be the 100% at
the table.
Note: Sister Carol Coston, OP, is a NETWORK founder and the first
Executive Director (1972-1982), and Sister Nancy Sylvester, IHM, served as Executive
Director from 1982 to 1992.