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Denver - Town Hall

Denver Town Hall

By Sister Betty Voss, BVM


October 20, 2014


How gratifying to see the hall fill up and then have to send out for chairs three times before the 7:00 p.m. starting time.


This was the case Monday night at Regis University in Denver for the “Town Hall for the 100%.” The meeting began with an introduction of each of the eight “Nuns on the Bus” who joined “We the People, We the Voters” here in Colorado.


Thoughtful questions were posed for the assembly that drew all to conversation around some personal perspectives about politics such as: “What is your earliest memory about politics?” and “With whom in your family is it most difficulty to dialogue about politics?" After a brief time to share on these questions, more extended conversation centered on the questions “What do you feel is the most serious problem in our society today?” and “What way forward do you see?”


The lively discussion within the cross-generation groups of teenagers to octogenarians generated hopeful ideas for ways forward. Simone, chairing the session, commented that it is the first Town Hall meeting at which “virtues and values” have been brought up in terms of teaching the youth for the future.