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Denver - Early Voting

Early Voting at Election Commission in Denver

By Sister Mary Kay Brannon, SL

October 20, 2014 

It was so heartwarming to talk to so many people excited about voting and casting their ballots today. When I put my ballot in the box, I was so aware of the privilege to be able to vote and to live in a democracy.

There were several young people who were taking seriously this privilege and were working in the Denver Election Commission. A man who had moved to Colorado about three months ago was so proud of voting since he was 21 that he wanted to vote this first day.

Yet, not all can vote in Colorado. A young man who wished he could vote said, “I can’t vote. I am a felon.” He was only in his early twenties, and wanted to be able to vote. That conversation made me realize that many feel disenfranchised and can’t or don’t vote. This makes every vote that is cast so important.

Only by voting and getting involved in justice issues can I be a part of the democracy. Together, we are more.