This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational. Current Nuns on the Bus information can be found at
New Orleans - Town Hall
An Evening at St. Mary’s Academy
By Sister Julie Marsh, PBVM
October 14, 2014
On Tuesday evening, the City of New Orleans was filled with
a plethora of events for people to attend such as “The Night Out Against Crime”
which promotes neighbors to meet neighbors in all parts of the city, “the
Senate Debates” which would enlighten voters in this close Senate race, a
city-wide Inter-faith Prayer Service for Peace that gathers monthly, various
ball games of variety of colors…and “the Nuns on the Bus!”
Though the crowd was small, the enthusiasm brought by those
attending was energizing. Sister Clare, president of Saint Mary’s Academy,
welcomed Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS and her entourage of NETWORK staff to New
Orleans and the school. After a brief introduction from sisters of various
religious communities and from the men and women interested in learning more
about today’s political challenges, Sr. Simone wasted no time in trying to find
out what some of the issues or the needs are for the people of New Orleans as
we approach Election Day 2014.
She shared that her travels have given her new insights as
to the creative lengths people will go to in order to meet the needs of their
communities. As we discussed in small groups, issues began to surface such as
education, violence, poverty, city/state corruption, loss of the wetlands, and
political leadership. The list seemed overwhelming; however, the discussions
around the room seemed to be spirited with passion, not defeat. The number of
women religious attending this evening prevented any kind of hopelessness to
take root. Sr. Simone commented on this interesting phenomenon, too. It was
exciting to be a part of something I’ve known all along… and that is that women
religious have historically been able to move mountains and today is no
Today we are off to more wonderful sites
where women religious meet the needs of the people of New Orleans right where
they are…on the streets.