By Sister Benita Coffey, OSB
29, 2014
I've voted early before, but this
mid-term experience will go down in my "book" as pretty
After being part of the blue-shirted
background for Sister Simone's press conference, it was fun watch the WGN
TV cameraman walk backwards trying to get our expressions, as
we moved quickly across the street into the Public vote
early! I wasn't sure whether to look serious for his camera (doing my duty as a
good citizen), to look giddy (about all the attention), to look proud
(that to be part of another NOTB event), or simply to look happy
(because I was).
I was doing what I like to do –
enjoying the feeling of knowing we're all in it together and that my little bit
counts. Now when our 49th Ward here in Chicago, finally gets back to me
about whether I'm to be a driver or a poll watcher on Election Day, I'll really
know it was smart not to spend Election Day standing in line at
the polls. Early voting freed me up to help.