By Sister Marti McCarthy, SSS
October 30, 2014
With cell phones in hand, sisters began the morning calling Mason
City registered voters with absentee ballots to ensure that their ballots would
be in. Encouragement went to those who had not sent them in and thanks went to
those who had just mailed them in. For both there was a reminder of the
importance that all our voices be heard in order to keep our precious democracy
Later in Cedar Rapids, sisters partnered with local
volunteers with the same message. Since voter turn-out at midterm elections is
generally lower than for presidential elections, our effort has been to raise
the importance that choices made in these elections have on future key issues
that people care about. Autumn was still in the air and visible in fall colors
as we went from house to house reminding people to add their vote.
Thursday evening we were hosted by the Unitarian
Universalist pastor and members in Iowa City for dinner conversation and a town
hall meeting afterwards. After Pastor Steve’s introduction of Sister Simone and
her challenging and encouraging remarks to those attending, Sisters Bernadine,
Marti and Richelle explained their reasons for being on the bus and posed buzz
questions for the small groups that had been created. In twos and then in
sixes, participants discussed their hopes, the people or groups who inspired them,
the challenges and concerns they had, and ways in which each one of use could
make a difference. Among issues raised during the small group and then total
group discussions were reducing fear about new immigrants, polarization in
politics and society, the cost of prescription drugs, and the influence of “big
money” and the effects of the Supreme Court decision considering corporations
as persons and money equated as “free speech”.
Then…back on the bus and on to Des Moines for the night.