NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus is headed on the road again -- driving so “We the People” can stand up against big money in the 2014 midterm elections. “We the People” will stand up against income and wealth disparity by voting and encouraging others to vote for the good of the 100%.
Integral to our identity at NETWORK is seeking to be the listener and learner in communities we are visiting. At the Town Hall for the 100%, we are intentionally creating space for a diverse group of community members to talk about the issues that are most important to them. Together, we will explore how “We the People” can all work together to advance government’s role in establishing the common good through the vote!
These events are designed to hear from all the voices that often get drowned out by big money. We will also invite candidates and congressional representatives (or ask them to send high level surrogates) to attend these events in order for them to gain greater understanding into the lives and needs of their constituents.
It is a priority for us that community members encounter one another. Based on previous Nuns on the Bus events, expected turnout is about 250-300 people (perhaps more or less depending on the community). Many venues will have chairs in a circle or roundtables in order to facilitate those conversations. .
The structure of “Town Hall for the 100%” begins with a welcome from the community hosting the event, followed by an introduction of Executive Director of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, Sister Simone Campbell, SSS who would be moderating the evening’s discussion. Sister Simone will encourage some small group discussion between those present by asking questions about what brought them to the event, what their concerns are, and what are some ways we, as the 100%, can engage in this year’s election. The local sisters, the “nuns on the bus” will be interspersed throughout the crowd to be able to listen to these discussions. Sister Simone would then open up the event to some larger group discussion and sharing.
Lastly, there would be a space for people to make a pledge to vote on the individual level, if eligible, as well as pledging to commit to support voting within their various communities.
Please plan to join us! Click here for a list of all events, including many Town Halls for the 100%.