Write a Letter to the Editor Supporting the Build Back Better Plan

President Biden’s Build Back Better plan will transform our economy and advance the common good. Help NETWORK call for its swift passage in Congress by writing and submitting a letter to the editor to your local paper! Follow the steps and use the suggested messaging below to write your letter.

Letters to the Editor are among the most widely read sections of newspapers and magazines and are closely monitored by legislators to find out what voters are thinking and hearing. When you want to make your voice heard on an issue, writing a letter to the editor is a very effective advocacy practice.

Look for submission requirements for your local paper. Most publications prefer letters to be 250 words or less. Be succinct. Email NETWORK at [email protected] if you have any questions or to share your published LTE!

Start with your qualifications.

“As a mother, a Wisconsin resident, and a Catholic, I believe our federal policies should support workers and families who are struggling to get by.”

Tell them what you think!

“Our shared recovery package must put racial and economic justice at the forefront. We need a bold recovery package that raises federal revenue through changes to our tax code to grow our economy and create jobs.”

Bring it together with a legislative ask.

“I pray that Congressman Jones supports President Biden’s Build Back Better plan and its policies to reform the tax code to reward work, not wealth. If the ultra-wealthy and tax-dodging corporations pay their fair share we can create an economy that works for all of us.”

Find submission guidelines on your local paper’s website and send.

  • Found on the same page where you found length rules.
  • Submission will either be to an email address or online form.

Quick Tips:

  • You can write to multiple local papers.
  • It helps to tie your LTE into a recent story run by the paper.
  • Wait three weeks before repeating.

Moral Messaging on Build Back Better

  • Our shared recovery package must put racial and economic justice at the forefront.
  • To honor the dignity of work, our tax code must reward work, not the accumulation of wealth
  • Cutting taxes for the wealthy doesn’t create shared prosperity, investing in our families does.
  • A just tax system is the foundation of a sustainable economy.
  • Paying taxes is part of our responsibility to care for the common good.
  • With your help, this recovery package will shape our federal policies to align more closely with our moral vision for this country.
  • The current tax system:
    – Lets many Fortune 500 corporations pay less in taxes than an average middle-class family.
    – Lets the top 1% continue cheating on their taxes, costing taxpayers’ billions, while average Americans pay their fair share.
    – Lets billionaires, who became even wealthier during the pandemic, pay low tax rates because their wealth is not taxed or in many cases pay no taxes at all.

For additional information about writing and submitting a letter to the editor, watch this training from former NETWORK Press Secretary Lee Morrow: