Press Release: NETWORK Praises New Agreement on Contraceptive Coverage

 FOR RELEASE: February 10, 2012                                                                  CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]

Washington: NETWORK today released the following statement on the new regulation about insurance coverage of contraceptive services:

NETWORK applauds the administration’s accommodation of the religious conscience objections to the provision of insurance coverage for contraceptives to women at no cost to them.

The insurance-based solution honors both the conscience of the employer and the desires of individual employees. We are so grateful that through thoughtful consideration of the competing needs of people of different faith perspectives the administration has found a way to honor faith-based conscience objections.

This is the sort of creative problem-solving that is at the heart of making our Constitution work for all the people of our country.


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