Blog: Food in Our World: Recommended Resources

Page May
Jul 20, 2011

I am drawn to the centrality of food in both daily living and human development. In fact, studying the domestic and global food systems has become a passion of mine. In my own learning, I have come to conceptualize food as a nexus of the world’s forces, systems, and histories that both embody inequalities of the past and perpetuate those injustices today: Food connects to hunger, inequality, oppression, agriculture, sustainability, power, violence, political economy AND the hopeful possibilities for future societies.

So I am VERY excited for this week’s theme: The Food System and the Wealth Gap. We’ve got several new resources discussing…you guessed it! Food systems and the wealth gap! To get us all started, we have some recommended reading/viewing materials listed here. Please check these amazing pieces out! Regardless of your knowledge of the subject, these are great videos and articles, created by some of the major actors in the good food movement.


Below is our list of recommended resources. You can also click here to download a copy.


Clip from Food Inc: A chicken farmer explains the realities of farmer debt, animal welfare, and corporate control in her industry 

Raj Patel explains the global food crisis and the fight for the world’s food system


The United States’ Failing Food System

Why Being a Foodie Isn’t Elitist

African American Farmers Speak About Experiences with Land Ownership and Loss in North Carolina

Can the World Feed 10 Billion People?

USDA INC.: How Agribusiness Has Hijacked Regulatory Policy at the U.S. Department of Agriculture

And don’t forget other Mind the Gap! resources on our Learn More page!