Work on Healthcare Reform Continues
By Eric Gibble
September 26, 2011
Over the past 40 years, NETWORK has made healthcare a top priority in our lobby and legislative advocacy work. Eighteen months ago, we were gratified by the passing of healthcare reform. However, we are still working to guarantee that the progress we made is not reversed.
NETWORK’s Executive Director, Sr. Simone Campbell, highlighted the many benefits of the bill and explained why we must continue to work to preserve it in an online interview. She also reiterated that this is a responsible prolife bill that does not subsidize abortions.
Listen to the full interview here.
Already, major improvements have been made in many areas:
- Coverage has already been extended to over one million Americans
- Limitations on obtaining healthcare for those with preexisting conditions are being eliminated.
- Working to ensure that we, as consumers, are not exploited.
- Making sure we do not lose healthcare when changing jobs.
We have much more to look forward to. This bill will promote competition in the market place in order to bring prices down.
For more information on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, visit This website offers a wide range of resources explaining the law and allows you to shop comparatively for health insurance.