In order to dismantle systemic racism, cultivate inclusive community, root our economy in solidarity, and transform our politics, we must build anew with a bold recovery package.
We need significant, long-term change to Build Anew and create systems that work for everyone in our nation. NETWORK’s Build Anew agenda calls for federal policies that improve the wellbeing of communities and allow people to thrive — especially those most often left out: women, people of color, people on the economic margins, and those at the intersections of these identities.
- Make the new Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit expansions permanent and ensure all immigrants, regardless of legal status, can access the Child Tax Credit and human needs programs.
- Establish a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants including Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and essential workers.
- Enact a set of federal standards for Unemployment Insurance (UI) including mandatory 26 weeks of benefits, adequate replacement wage levels (i.e. 75% of wages up to 2/3 of the state’s average wage), and ensure that unemployed workers’ access to benefits is racially equitable.
- Ensure any national paid family and medical leave program has progressive wage replacement, job guarantees and anti-retaliation language, inclusive definitions of family, and centers women of color in all decisions to ensure racially equitable access.
- Provide resources for multi-year rental assistance and address the ongoing unmet need for affordable housing by building affordable housing units.
- Make the broadband subsidy permanent to increase access to health care and other critical needs in communities across the country.
- Close the Medicaid coverage gap for non-expansion states and provide Medicaid to people who are incarcerated. Finance health expansions by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices.
Learn More
Pathway to Citizenship for Undocumented Neighbors
It’s time to create pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, farm workers, and essential workers in the recovery package. Learn more about how Congress can finally establish a pathway to citizenship for our undocumented neighbors, family, and friends.
NETWORK knows that access to broadband is an absolute necessity, and a matter of racial and economic justice. Learn more about broadband improvements in the American Jobs Plan.
To honor the human dignity of every person, NETWORK affirms that housing should be a right in this country. Learn more about the capital investments proposed in the American Jobs Plan.
Tax Justice
NETWORK supports proposals to roll back tax cuts in the 2017 GOP Tax Law. Learn more about changes to the tax code in the American Families Plan. NETWORK also has been advocating for expansion of the Child Tax Credit. Learn more about how the Child Tax Credit will cut childhood poverty in half.