NETWORK Pledges To Continue Mission to Fight for Policies That Uphold the Dignity of All

Spanish translation below.

Traducción al español abajo.

For Immediate Release: November 6, 2024

WASHINGTON—NETWORK acknowledges that voters in the U.S. have chosen former President Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States. For 52 years, NETWORK has worked to promote public policies grounded in the principles of Catholic Social Justice and committed to creating communities where everyone thrives.

We and our members across the country remain committed to that mission as we live into the future. We will continue the mission to promote policies that affirm the dignity of all people with the knowledge that every person — regardless of ZIP code, race, creed, economic status, gender, or sexual orientation—has inherent dignity and deserves to share in the freedoms promised in the organizing documents of this country. Almost 250 years later, those foundational aspirations have yet to be realized and are once again at great risk.

The threats that lie ahead for us, especially the most marginalized communities, as the Trump administration seeks to enact its policy agenda are quite clear. We call upon the incoming Administration to reconsider its plans for the mass deportation of immigrant communities, further tax handouts for the wealthy and corporate executives, and other policies that are opposed to our Catholic social tradition and harm the common good.

We call upon the new Administration to be concerned with human flourishing for all people. We call for policies that protect and preserve our planet now and for generations to come. We also call for the Administration to commit itself to the preservation of our democratic norms and values – those core values that are designed to achieve the racial, economic, and social freedoms that so many people have given their work and their lives to maintain. We pledge to continue our work for justice and look forward to opportunities to join together in achieving these common goals.

Finally, we are deeply grateful to NETWORK advocates all around the country. Your work to spread Gospel values grounded in the creation of a future where every person thrives gives us inspiration to carry on. Our message is simple: You are not alone. This is a moment for unity, community, and perseverance. Together, always, we will continue to push for policies that honor dignity and freedom for all people – no exceptions.

Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values, working for justice and equity for everyone. For 52 years, NETWORK has educated, organized, and lobbied for federal policies that serve the common good and honor the dignity of all people. 

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NETWORK se Compromete a Continuar su Misión de Luchar por Políticas que Defiendan la Dignidad de Todos 

Para Publicación Inmediata: 6 de noviembre de 2024

WASHINGTON—NETWORK reconoce que los votantes en los Estados Unidos han elegido al expresidente Donald Trump como el 47º Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Durante 52 años, NETWORK ha trabajado para promover políticas públicas fundamentadas en los principios de la Justicia Social Católica, comprometidos con la creación de comunidades donde todos puedan prosperar. 

Nosotros y nuestros miembros en todo el país seguimos comprometidos con esta misión mientras avanzamos hacia el futuro. Continuaremos promoviendo políticas que afirmen la dignidad de todas las personas, conscientes de que cada ser humano, sin importar su código postal, raza, credo, estatus económico, género u orientación sexual, tiene una dignidad inherente y merece compartir las libertades prometidas en los documentos fundacionales de este país. Casi 250 años después, esas aspiraciones fundamentales aún no se han realizado y, una vez más, están en grave riesgo. 

Las amenazas que nos esperan, especialmente para las comunidades más marginadas, son muy claras a medida que la administración de Trump busca implementar su agenda política. Hacemos un llamado a la nueva administración para reconsiderar sus planes de deportaciones masivas de comunidades inmigrantes, más beneficios fiscales para los ricos y ejecutivos corporativos, y otras políticas que van en contra de nuestra tradición social católica y dañan el bien común. 

Exhortamos a la nueva administración a preocuparse por el florecimiento humano para todas las personas. Pedimos políticas que protejan y preserven nuestro planeta, ahora y para las generaciones futuras. También pedimos que la administración se comprometa a la preservación de nuestras normas y valores democráticos, esos valores esenciales diseñados para alcanzar las libertades raciales, económicas y sociales por las que tantas personas han trabajado y dado sus vidas para mantener. Nos comprometemos a continuar nuestra labor por la justicia y esperamos con ansias las oportunidades para unirnos y lograr estos objetivos comunes. 

Finalmente, estamos profundamente agradecidos con los miembros de NETWORK en todo el país. Su labor para difundir los valores del Evangelio, fundamentados en la creación de un futuro donde cada persona pueda prosperar, nos inspira a seguir adelante. Nuestro mensaje es simple: No están solos. Este es un momento de unidad, comunidad y perseverancia. Juntos, siempre, continuaremos impulsando políticas que honren la dignidad y la libertad de todas las personas, sin excepciones. 

Fundada por hermanas católicas en 1972, NETWORK es una organización nacional inclusiva de incidencia católica, abierta a todas las personas que comparten nuestros valores, trabajando por la justicia y la equidad para todos. Durante 52 años, NETWORK ha educado, organizado y cabildeado por políticas federales que sirvan al bien común y honren la dignidad de todas las personas. 

26 thoughts on “NETWORK Pledges To Continue Mission to Fight for Policies That Uphold the Dignity of All

    1. Marilyn Henderson

      Beautifully written statement reflecting the trepidation many of us are feeling today about the values of a majority of our country’s population, but also remaining hopeful that we can continue to fight for a better future for all. Thank you for your perseverance.

  1. Julie Atkins

    Thank you to Network for the hard work in promoting Gospel values and for this well written statement encouraging the next Administration to focus on the common good.

  2. Marianne Burkhard OSB

    Thanks for all you have done in the past and for all you will do in the near future.
    May and the Holy Spirit guide you –

  3. Kathleen Durkin

    Thank you for your holding fast to Catholic Social Teaching principles and continuing to bring them forward in ever-changing settings. I am grateful for your statement.

  4. Dorothy Krawchuk

    Thank you for traveling across the country encouraging voters!! It was great meeting you in NY, and thanks for the above message!
    Nice to be part of your community as we face these challenging times.

  5. Philomena McCartney

    Grateful for your statement. Blessings on your continued efforts and perseverance in preserving our values. Very hopeful!!!

  6. Marie M King

    Thank you for reminding us that we are not alone in our shock and discouragement. Together we can continue the fight for right.

  7. Joseph E. Mulligan, SJ (Nicaragua)

    Very helpful statement. Thanks. Down, but not out! Here is something from 2 Corinthians:
    2 Corinthians 4:8-10 New International Version (NIV)
    “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”

  8. Mary Waddell

    Thank you for your faithful action to achieving our goals.
    Your have my support in prayer as you have HOPE for the future.

  9. Tom Dwyer

    Your statement is excellent. We must not let hate, meanness, degradation, and lies go unchallenged. Otherwise we lose our humanity and our souls.

  10. Carol Gantenbein

    Thank you for all you do for the people in this country who need a justice that is fair to all. Your hard work is an inspiration to all of us to never lose hope.


    Thank you for reminding me that, as Mother Teresa said, “We are called to be faithful, not successful.” Thank you for hope.

  12. Henry Beck, OFM

    Thank you for your statement of commitment and hope for all of us who care deeply for our country and the direction we will take going forward.
    I am grateful to be connected with all of you in NETWORK.
    Peace and prayers,
    Henry Beck, OFM

  13. Kathy Youmans Driscoll

    As long as there are people like you who are willing to bear and share the torch of light, darkness shall not over come us.
    Thank you!

  14. Jane Sutter Brandt

    Thank you for this statement, which encompasses what I believe. We will continue to fight injustice. We each much do what we can in our corner of the world and never lose hope, just as the prophets stayed strong and committed, even though they often didn’t see the fruits of their labors.

  15. Sr Ann Gray DW

    In this moment of lost hopes, we find hope in Network’s Mission in which all peoples will flourish and our planet will thrive. We will find our courage again as you raise your voice to speak Truth to power. We are one!


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