FOR RELEASE: January 7, 2011
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
Washington DC: NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, citing the fundamental right to healthcare and the need to turn around spiraling medical costs, today calls on Congress to vote down efforts to repeal the 2010 healthcare reform law.
Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK Executive Director, stated: “Healthcare access has been a NETWORK priority for decades, and we were proud to be present with other supporters when the 2010 healthcare bill was passed and signed into law. This movement to repeal healthcare reform is more than misguided. It is appalling that some would choose to ignore new findings by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that repeal would increase both the federal deficit and the number of uninsured Americans. Congress should focus on legislation that enhances the common good, not tear down any progress we have made.”
NETWORK activists worked long and hard for passage of the original bill in March 2010, and NETWORK originated the letter supporting the legislation that was signed by leaders of thousands of Catholic Sisters. As a result, we were invited to be present when the final historic vote was taken, and when its signing into law by President Obama was celebrated.
We continue to view implementation of the law as a vital step toward a time when all have access to the healthcare services they deserve, and we also see this as a step toward containing government healthcare spending. Our nation cannot afford to ignore findings by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that repealing the healthcare overhaul would increase the federal deficit by an estimated $230 billion over 10 years. They also reported that repeal would increase the number of uninsured non-elderly Americans by 32 million.
The repeal bill is little more than political gamesmanship. A vote against it will help ensure that millions of Americans have the healthcare coverage they need and that federal healthcare spending is contained. NETWORK calls on all Members of Congress to vote “no” on this harmful bill.
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NETWORK—a Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace—educates, organizes and lobbies for economic and social transformation. Founded in 1971 by 47 Catholic sisters, NETWORK is supported by thousands of groups and individuals committed to working for social and economic justice. For more information, see