FOR RELEASE: June 1, 2012 CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
Washington: NETWORK wholeheartedly supports today’s powerful statement from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) about the recent and scandalous Vatican assessment.
As we noted when the assessment was released by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in April, NETWORK’s relationship with LCWR was mentioned as one of the problems despite the fact that NETWORK was never asked to provide information about our mission or activities. This is just one of the many errors in the assessment and process by which it was put together.
So we know firsthand that LCWR board members are accurate when they say that “the assessment was based on unsubstantiated accusations and the result of a flawed process that lacked transparency.” We also fully agree that “the sanctions imposed were disproportionate to the concerns raised… [and that] the report has furthermore caused scandal and pain throughout the church community, and created greater polarization.”
Yes, it has caused scandal, which resulted in great pain.
Like LCWR, NETWORK has been overwhelmed by expressions of support and solidarity from people around the world. We believe that this is a graced moment that, we pray, will lead to needed dialogue and reform within our Church. We stand with millions of Catholics around the world who long to see that happen as we continue in our mission for justice in our government and our world.