April 17 in Austin
Buses are rolling out from all over the state and they are headed to Austin in support of healthcare coverage for hardworking, low-income families.
Come meet us at the Capitol to amplify the cries of our Working Families for access to Healthcare! Buses are coming from San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth/Dallas. We need people from other areas of the state to be there too.
Join Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby and leader of NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus campaign, and activists from around the state for a Day of Advocacy. We will have a rally at the Capitol steps and then visit state legislators and seek support for the expansion of Medicaid as allowed under the Affordable Care Act.
More information below
Press Advisory
Socially Responsible Investment Coalition
Austin, TX—Catholic Sisters from around the state will join Sister Simone Campbell, leader of NETWORK’s “Nuns on the Bus”, in advocating for the healthcare of our fellow Texans by urging state officials to accept federal funds to make Medicaid eligibility more inclusive.
WHAT: Rally, Press conference, and Legislative visits
WHERE: Austin Capitol, South Steps 112 E 11th St, Austin, TX 78701
WHEN: Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 at 8:30 am
WHO: Sr. Simone Campbell (NETWORK, A Catholic Social Justice Lobby), Sr. Ceil Roeger (Dominican Sisters -Houston), Sr. Pat Connolly (Daughters of Charity Services of San Antonio), DeAnn Friedholm (Health Reform Consumers Union), Anne Dunkelberg (Center for Public Policy Priorities), and Sr. Elizabeth Riebschlaeger (Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word—San Antonio)
WHY: To find a Texas Solution for bringing healthcare coverage to over 1.5 million low income Texans while bringing back billions of dollars of federal tax money that our citizens have already sent to Washington.
For more information, please contact:
Bryan Traywick
210.843.1363 * [email protected]
Sr. Susan Mika
210.344.6778 * [email protected]
[For more information about NETWORK: Stephanie Niedringhaus
202.347.9797 * [email protected]]