FOR RELEASE: May 8, 2013
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
Washington DC: NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice lobby, today issued the following statement concerning “Little DREAMers”:
At a time when Congress far too often ignores the needs of children, we want to express our strong support of a new legislative effort to help young immigrants. NETWORK has formally endorsed an immigration bill amendment offered by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) that would offer a faster track to legal status to undocumented children. The amendment counts among its supporters the First Focus Campaign for Children, Children’s Defense Fund, NEA and more than180 other child advocacy, faith-based, education, labor and immigrant rights groups.
The amendment focuses on children, called “little DREAMers,” who were left out of provisions of the DREAM Act, which allows a faster 5-year path to citizenship for those who entered the U.S. prior to age 16 and who meet certain criteria such as having graduated from high school. Currently, children too young to be high school graduates must travel the usual adult path to citizenship, which could take up to 13 years for the very youngest.
Granting these children access to a 5-year path to citizenship is one important step to providing children in our nation the opportunities we have always cherished as a nation. NETWORK fully supports this effort, along with all legislative proposals to provide children with what they need to grow into healthy, productive adults.
For more information about the amendment and groups who have endorsed it, click here.