FOR RELEASE: July 24, 2013
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
Washington, DC – Today, Sister Simone Campbell and other members of NETWORK’s “Nuns on the Bus” campaign ( briefed Members of Congress, congressional staffers and guests on the urgency of passing immigration reform now. Individual congressional lobby visits were also taking place during the day.
The Catholic Sisters just returned from a 6800-mile cross-country bus trip, where they met with immigrants, business leaders, elected officials and many others who are calling on Congress to act quickly.
NETWORK’s “Nuns on the Bus” were welcomed to Capitol Hill by Representative Rosa DeLauro (CT) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Other Members of Congress also came, including and Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Anna Eshoo (CA) and Marcy Kaptur (OH).
In addition to Sister Simone Campbell, other speakers include Sisters Marge Clark and Elaine Betoncourt, along with Widian Nicola, a young immigrant whom the Sisters met in New Jersey.
Commenting earlier about the bus trip, Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK Executive Director and leader of “Nuns on the Bus,” said, “Everywhere we went, we met citizens and aspiring citizens working hard to feed their families and make our nation better. We also witnessed the bravery of hardworking people who must deal with daily uncertainty and fear caused by our broken immigration system. Across our nation, people are rightfully demanding that we fix our laws. We call on Congress to make that happen now.”
During today’s briefing, the Sisters spoke out about what they heard and experienced throughout their three-week trip, which showed even more clearly that Congress must act right away to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
The briefing ended with the crowd standing for NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus cheer for action: “Raise your hands, raise your voice for Comprehensive Immigration Reform NOW!”
[Press advisory with more details about the briefing available at]