Press Release: For Immigrants Disappointed by the Lack of Progress in Immigration Reform, the Solution Lies in Voter Engagement

FOR RELEASE: September 9, 2014
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]

Washington, DC: NETWORK today released the following new statement on justice for all immigrants:

We at NETWORK want immigrants throughout our nation to know that we, too, are disgusted by Washington’s stubborn refusal to fix our broken immigration system. We stand united with you as we demand comprehensive reform.

We call on President Obama to act to alleviate the suffering of families torn apart by our broken system. At the same time, we know that permanent solutions will not be found in presidential actions, which are necessarily limited.

Today, we are actively engaged with immigrants throughout our nation to convince Congress that it must create long-term fixes for our system as quickly as possible. This is vital.

To strengthen the power of our call, next week we will launch our new “Nuns on the Bus” campaign: We the People, We the Voters. We will travel through 10 states, visiting many communities to promote voter engagement and civic participation. Only by voting for candidates who care about the 100%—including our immigrant communities—can we break open the impasse in Washington.

When we vote and encourage others to vote, we make sure that all are heard. We then have the power to hold our elected officials accountable.

We want to create a groundswell of voter engagement in all immigrant communities.

Join with us! Together, we will make Washington listen!


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