NETWORK Laments Violence, Loss of Life at Pennsylvania Trump Rally 

For Immediate Release: July 14, 2024

WASHINGTON—With our Christian commitment to nonviolence and the dignity of every human person, NETWORK laments the violence and loss of life that occurred at the rally in Pennsylvania at which an attendee was killed, former President Trump was wounded, and the shooter died at the hands of Secret Service. The increasing tendency toward dehumanizing rhetoric and violence in our politics is antithetical to a healthy democracy and corrosive to our society. We take heart in our country’s imperfect, but still unprecedented ability to address our political differences through our democratic systems and processes. In the wake of this tragic event, we urge all people in the U.S.  to recommit to nonviolent participation in our democracy, modeling respect for all and ensuring that, as we build a more just and equitable world, all people, without exception, might live free from fear and harm.

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Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values, working to achieve equity and justice for everyone. Grounded in Gospel values and the Catholic social justice tradition, NETWORK transforms our society by shaping federal policies that achieve racial, economic, and social justice; serve the common good; and honor the dignity of all.

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