Sister Quincy Welcomes Introduction of Landmark Legislation to Restore our Democratic System

For Immediate Release: January 4, 2019
Contact: Lee Morrow, [email protected], 202-601-7871
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Sister Quincy Welcomes Introduction of Landmark Legislation to Restore our Democratic System
Sr. Quincy: “Catholic Social Justice calls for all Catholics to participate in a democratic society by voting, and H.R. 1 reinforces this value and protects our rights.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives John Sarbanes (D-MD) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) introduced H.R. 1, “For the People Act,” as the first piece of legislation in the 116th Congress. H.R. 1 would bolster our nation’s voting, campaign finance, and ethics laws, and Sister Quincy Howard, OP from NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice issued the following statement:

“This landmark anti-corruption bill, H.R. 1, guarantees that the voice of every voter is heard. Political leaders must commit supporting a stronger democracy by voting for H.R. 1.

“Catholic Social Justice calls for all Catholics to participate in a democratic society by voting, and H.R. 1 reinforces this value and protects our rights.

“In the last decade we’ve seen the fallout from the Supreme Court’s rulings on Shelby County and Citizens United: an unimpeded chipping away at the basic tenets of a just democracy. Our most recent election made it very clear: it is high time to rehabilitate our democratic system.

“H.R.1 includes sweeping provisions that facilitate voter registration, begin restoring the Voting Rights Act, check voter intimidation and deceptive practices, improve and secure election operations, promote access to voter participation, and protect the redistricting process from political gerrymandering.

“As a Catholic Sister who follows Pope Francis’ call to immerse ourselves in politics, I urge Congress to support and adopt this bold, comprehensive reform package.”


NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic Sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. They have a 46-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.