Reflection: What Nuns on the Bus Is All About!
Sr. Gwen Hennessey, OSF
October 15, 2018
We must get back to our true relationship. “Glory to you, Source of all being, eternal word made flesh and Spirit who dwells in our midst”
We have been blinded by the gods of materialism. We need our cataracts removed freeing us to see our relationship with “all being”. We must make time to listen to the depth of our awesome God the “source of all being”.
And ponder this real love “made flesh” our guiding light to show us how to live no matter the price. This is our unimaginable deep love.
As we strive to imitate our loving awesome “beings” light we must follow whatever the price—not in materialistic amassing but in respect, walking with one another and all of creation in equal partnership. This is our loving God’s focus for all of us.
We must move forward hand in hand with all of creation in non-violence to unmask the blight on our universe and beyond!