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Reginald Dale on the Importance of Lives

Reginald Dale - Springfield, Illinois

Reginald Dale gives her personal experience with racism in the police, her concerns for black men and others impacted by the structural racism and unfair treatment, and gives us pointers on how to become more involved and make a difference in our communities.

She shares her experience being pulled over by police officers three times since May 2016, one time simply for sitting in her car writing notes (the officers said she was a "suspicious vehicle").

Reginald also voices concern over the persecution faced by black men and the indifference of those unaffected directly. She is particularly concerned with mass incarceration which, she notes, not only costs the country large amounts of taxpayer money to maintain large prison populations, but also has a huge impact on black children who grow up with the expectation that they, too, are destined to go to jail. This, she says, "damages and disrupts a young person's self esteem, education, finances, and...family bonds."

Reginald challenges us to:
1. Learn and familiarize ourselves with the statistics and issues facing our communities and our country
2. Join an activist group and help rally, march, research, fund, etc. to help combat these issues
3. Develop a relationship with our local police- especially your neighborhood police officer- to discuss concerns and identify problems in the community

Finally, she calls us to come together, saying: "When communities unite we will be able to restore justice and order- so that all lives matter- but this will only happen when black lives matter."