Virtual Lobby Days on the Hill
May 17-18, 2022
As NETWORK celebrates 50 years of Sister-Spirit, political ministry, and advocating for just and equitable legislation, we are excited to welcome justice-seekers from around the country for our 2022 Virtual Lobby Day. Our team is thrilled to support your participation in our democratic process in such a personal and powerful way.
As part of our Build Anew Agenda, NETWORK seeks to transform our nation’s unjust, racist criminal legal system to respect the human dignity, uphold equity, and honor the potential for rehabilitation. The Sentencing Reform legislation that you will be discussing with your Senators on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 and Wednesday, May 18, 2022 eliminates racial inequality in sentencing, reduces spending on prisons, and invests in communities.
Thank you for your advocacy. Together, we will Build Anew!
Virtual Lobby Day 2022 Preparation: Sentencing Reform Policy Brief
We want to provide NETWORK activists with the knowledge and understanding needed to persuade Members of Congress to make fair and just sentencing reform policy. The information below is designed to do just that. If you have any questions about the training material, please contact us at [email protected].
Materials for Your Lobby Visit
Schedule Your Visit
- You will schedule your visits with your Senators’ offices. We’ve compiled a list of schedulers and their contact information. Click here.
- Don’t worry about what you need to say to schedule your Senate visit. We’ve got you covered. Click here!
Build Anew Agenda
- Please email NETWORK’s policy agenda to your staff contact in the Senator’s office two times: before your meeting and after the meeting as part of your thank-you email. Click here!
Criminal Legal System Leave Behind
- Please email this document to your staff contact in the Senator’s office two times: before your meeting and after the meeting as part of your thank-you email. Click here!
Criminal Legal System Sentencing Reform Educational Material
- This internal document is for you (and your group) to expand upon points in the leave behind. Please do not share. Click here!
- A chart to help you (and your group) better understand how the EQUAL Act and the SMART Cocaine Sentencing Act compare. Click here!
Planning Sheet
- This worksheet will help you plan an effective lobby visit. Click here!
Questions on Lobby Day
We are here to support you. Please reach out with any questions or concerns through the following channels:
Call: 202-347-9797, then press 1
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Message: @NETWORKLobby | Twitter D.M.: @NETWORKLobby
Social Media Posting
- We hope you share your Lobby Day excitement with posts, tweets and shares before, during and after your Lobby Day visit. Also, We encourage you to take a screen shot of your visit (ask permission first), and share it on social media!
- Be sure to use the Lobby Day hashtags when you share on social media:
#NETWORKLobbyDays and #SentencingReformNOW
Sample Social Media Posts:
- Twitter
- I’m joining justice-seekers across the country this week to lobby on Capitol Hill with @NETWORKLobby! Learn More: https://networklobby.org/we-can-eliminate-unjust-sentencing-disparities-and-build-anew/
- Our nation’s unjust and racist criminal legal system must be transformed to respect dignity, uphold equity, and honor potential for rehabilitation. I’m joining @NETWORKLobby to tell Congress to pass fair and just sentencing reform policy. #NETWORKLobbyDays #SentencingReformNOW
- Facebook/Instagram
- I’m joining justice-seekers across the country this week to lobby on Capitol Hill with NETWORK Lobby! Learn more: https://networklobby.org/we-can-eliminate-unjust-sentencing-disparities-and-build-anew/
- Our nation’s unjust, racist criminal legal system must be transformed to respect human dignity, uphold equity, and honor the potential for rehabilitation. That’s why I’m joining #NETWORKLobbyDays this week to tell Members of Congress we need #SentencingReformNOW!
Advocates Training Resources
- Don’t forget that you can access all plenary and workshop materials and recordings from April’s Advocates Training. Click here!