WASHINGTON—Catholic Sisters from across religious communities affirm the Catholic Church’s longstanding teaching of care for immigrants as an essential part of living their mission.
Sr. Catherine Ferguson, SNJM, Chair of the Board of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, stated:
“For hundreds of years, Catholic Sisters have helped to welcome immigrants and refugees. For many, it is part of our direct service, and all of us share the Gospel value that in welcoming others, we welcome God and participate in building up the common good. We are outraged to hear so many in our politics today, particularly our fellow Catholics, push for policies that harm migrants, whether they are asylum seekers at the border or neighbors who have lived in our communities for decades. These aggressive and militaristic policies threaten all of us and spread fear. If last week’s Executive Orders are fully funded, they will lead to mass separation of families and the hollowing out of beloved communities all around the country.”
Joan F. Neal, Interim Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, stated:
“NETWORK has been working for almost 40 years to pass comprehensive, just, and humane immigration reform that takes into account the complexities of these issues and honors the God-given dignity of every human being. Sadly, some of our elected leaders have lacked the will or integrity to do this. Our commitment as a Catholic organization is to work towards a country that will return to its moral core and find the courage to pursue a path that leads to a future where all individuals, families, and neighbors can participate joyfully in being Beloved Community.”
Additionally, individual Catholic Sisters have offered their statements as to why care for immigrants is integral to how they live their vocation:
Sr. Bernadine Karge, OP, said, “As the granddaughter of immigrants, I am grateful that the door was open to immigrants who were ready, willing, and able to work in the USA. The U.S. needed workers, and workers needed jobs. It was a win-win. The well-being of the United States was and continues to be dependent on immigrant labor. ‘We are one people on one planet,’ as John Lewis says.
“As a Catholic sister and an immigration attorney for many decades, my hope is that our government will fulfill its two-fold immigration mission to allow people in and to keep out those who do not qualify. If the hundreds of billions of dollars needed for mass deportation were redirected to hiring immigration officers and immigration judges to adjudicate applications and cases, many persons would be documented and qualified to stay in their communities with their families. The private prison system which houses immigration detainees is deplorable, while also tearing families and communities apart.
Sister Janet Kinney, CSJ, said, “As a Catholic Sister of St. Joseph, my life’s vocation is rooted in a sacred call to create community where “all may be one” united in love. For 169 years our congregation has served the people of Long Island in whatever capacity is necessary including welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers in need of hospitality and a place to call home. This is our mission, rooted in Gospel love. I urge leaders to honor the dignity of each human person and resist the violence of separating families.”
Sister Romina Sapinoso, SC, said “As a lifelong Catholic, woman religious, and immigrant to this country, my years-long work as an educator and hospitality volunteer with migrants and refugees is borne out of Jesus’ commandment to welcome him by welcoming the stranger. If I’m not doing this, how am I a follower of Christ and heeding the call to love my neighbor? Wouldn’t compassion, mercy, and inclusion be at the core of what being Catholic means? My congregation has a legacy of standing with those most marginalized in this country and across borders. As a Sister of Charity, I am a continuation of that faithful daring to risk a caring response.”
Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values, working for justice and equity for everyone. For 52 years, NETWORK has educated, organized, and lobbied for federal policies that serve the common good and honor the dignity of all people.
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