How To Write A Letter to the Editor
Audrey Carroll
March 1, 2021
When you want to make your voice heard on an issue, writing a letter to the editor is a very effective advocacy practice. Letters to the editor work because they are widely read local content, Members of Congress pay attention to them, and LTE campaigns help create movements.
To learn how to write a letter to the editor, watch this training from NETWORK Press Secretary Lee Morrow and follow the tips below.
Writing Your LTE:
Start with your qualifications.
“As a multi-issue Catholic voter, I cannot stay silent while Congressman Jones vilifies our immigrant neighbors in his Feb. 10th op-ed “Illegal Immigrants Don’t Deserve Handouts.”
Tell them what you think!
“Dreamers and undocumented immigrants are essential workers who have helped keep this community running during the pandemic. They deserve access to COVIDD relief and citizenship.”
Bring it together with a legislative ask.
“I pray that Congressman Jones opens his heart and listens to his constituents. Undocumented people are our neighbors, community members, friends, and family. Catholic voters like me expect Congressman Jones to support the Dream Act.”
Find submission guidelines on your local paper’s website and send.
- Found on the same page where you found length rules.
- Submission will either be to an email address or online form.
Quick Tips:
- You can write to multiple local papers.
- It helps to tie your LTE into a recent story run by the paper.
- Wait three weeks before repeating.