#BuildAnew Bingo
Audrey Carroll
April 28, 2021
In February 2021, NETWORK introduced Build Anew: A Justice Agenda for All of Us.
This policy agenda is inspired by the principles of Catholic Social Justice and comes from encounter with individuals and families across the United States.
Based on our Build Anew Policy Agenda, we’ve created this #BuildAnew Bingo card to use during President Biden’s address to Congress to see how well the administration is doing at supporting our Build Anew policy areas.
Certain policies and systems seek to widen the income gap, encourage racism, and exclude people based on their identity. At NETWORK, we believe there is no way to achieve justice without intentionally building our political system, economy, and society to be just and inclusive. The Build Anew Agenda includes five policy areas: Economic Security; Healthcare, Housing, and Food; Tax Justice; Our Democracy; and Our Immigration and Justice Systems.
We hope to see President Biden address these important policy areas to work towards Dismantling Systemic Racism, Cultivating Inclusive Community, Rooting Our Economy in Solidarity, and Transforming Our Politics.