NETWORK Joins Faith Leaders Calling on Congress to Pass H.R.40
Jarrett Smith
May 4, 2021
At the end of April, NETWORK Lobby joined a sign-on letter to Congressional Leadership along with 180 faith-based organizations, faith leaders, and advocates to urge Congress to support the passage of H.R.40 – Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act. H.R.40 is the only bill that will lead to concrete proposals for repairing the damage that the United States government has inflicted on Black people and its passage will allow us to take steps towards dismantling white supremacy and steps towards repair so that we can build anew together.
Catholic Social Teaching is clear: racism is a sin. Our faith teaches us to reject the immoral system of white supremacy and to work for truth-telling and repair. We can no longer deny the sins of the past and its ongoing implications Black people experience every day. NETWORK urges Congress to support and pass H.R.40.
Read the full sign-on letter sent to Congressional Leadership.
Read Jarrett Smith’s blog on passing H.R.40.
Read the statement on H.R.40 from NETWORK’s Executive Director, Mary Novak.