Investing in Housing to Build Back Better
Chiquita Jackson
September 24, 2021
Build Back Better will make a historic investment in affordable housing in the United States. The House’s Financial Services Committee voted to include language in the reconciliation bill to see $207 billion in federal outlays for NETWORK’s housing priorities. Housing vouchers were allocated ($75 billion); maintenance of existing public housing properties received $80 billion, and the Housing Trust Fund will get $37 billion.
What do the practical implications in these investments mean for affordable housing? The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ analysis (below) says that 750,000 housing vouchers will be produced. That means 1.7 million people will be housed. Furthermore, we’ll see a roof over the head of 663,000 children, 331,000 people with disabilities, and 181,000 seniors.
Email Congress today to make sure this down payment in housing makes it to the president’s desk so he can sign it into law. Your neighbors, friends, and family are counting on you.
Email the House and the Senate to Support the Build Back Better Plan!