“Tonight’s tax vote undermines our democracy and makes a laughing stock of Congress. It bankrupts our nation and calls into question who Congress works for: their constituents or their donors.”
For Immediate Release: December 1, 2017
Contact: Ashley Wilson, [email protected], 202-601-7856
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WASHINGTON, D.C. –In response to tonight’s Senate tax vote Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice issued the following statement:
“Tonight’s Senate tax vote was a shameful scheme to prioritize the wealthiest in our nation over the needs of the most vulnerable. This legislation is shocking on both substance and process. On substance, the bill violates the moral fiber of our country by lining the pockets of millionaires and billionaires while robbing people in poverty. It is an abomination on process because no one has been able to study or understand this hodgepodge of giveaways drafted behind closed doors.
“Tonight’s tax vote undermines our democracy and makes a laughing stock of Congress. It bankrupts our nation and calls into question who Congress works for: their constituents or their donors.
“This is the wrong move for our people, but we know this fight isn’t over. NETWORK is committed to stopping this flawed policy in its tracks.
“Instead, NETWORK desires a policy that heals our nation and supports our people. We must ensure that the common good is promoted and not the special interests. Tax policy is a moral issue.
“Shame on the Senate for passing this terrible policy under the cover of darkness.”
NETWORK – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. They have a 45-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good. www.networklobby.org