For Immediate Release: November 7, 2018
Contact: Lee Morrow | [email protected] | 202-601-7871
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Nuns on the Bus Drive Republicans Out of Office
Rothfus, Comstock, Coffman, Curbelo, Blum, Roskam, Tenney, and Faso Fall to Catholic Social Justice Agenda
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the 2018 midterm election results, Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice issued the following statement:
“Election Day demonstrated that care for the common good is in the hearts of our people. Voters chose to expand Medicaid, voters rebuked the 2017 Republican Tax Law, and voters chose a House controlled by Democrats for the first time in eight years.
“The so-called ‘party of family values’ consistently runs against our nation’s families on taxes and healthcare. We know that real family values mend the gaps in income and wealth inequality. Republicans prioritized a tax break for the wealthiest over the needs of the 100%, and they lost the election.
“NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus went on the road to hold elected officials accountable for their bad votes on taxes and healthcare. I am pleased to report that out of 13 Republican Representatives whose offices we met with directly, constituents ousted at least eight Representatives because of their voting record. Nuns on the Bus helped to drive Rothfus, Comstock, Coffman, Curbelo, Blum, Roskam, Tenney, and Faso out of office.
“I know many are inclined to jump right into the 2020 presidential race, but before focusing on the next election, the new Congress must fix what the last one broke! The Catholic Sisters and activists of NETWORK are prepared to meet with the new Congress, fix the damage, and defend against further attacks to the common good.
“The 2018 election is a historic election for so many reasons. We elected our first Muslim women and Native American women to Congress, the House of Representatives will include more than 100 women, and statewide candidates in Florida, Georgia, and Texas inspired astonishing levels of voter participation.
“The 2018 election results are a reason to celebrate: voters are motivated by NETWORK’s Mend the Gap issues! Today, let us savor this victory, and then the next phase of our work begins.
“As a nation, we must look beyond this election and recommit ourselves to fighting economic inequality and promoting racial justice. The Lame Duck House still has to finish funding our government, and we want to make sure the 116th Congress will get to work right away to promote the common good.”
NETWORK Lobby – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic Sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. They have a 46-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.