Mara Rutten, RSM


Sister Mara is part of our leadership team, and working as our historian. After receiving her Ph.D. in history, Mara entered the Federal Government as a Presidential Management Intern (class of 2000), and worked in Washington, D.C. and Tucson, AZ. She first entered religious life in 2013 and was missioned to Cambodia, where she worked with migrants and refugees. She is currently a candidate with the Religious Sisters of Mercy.
Where she finds inspiration for work:
• Strong, welcoming parishes that advocate for social justice
• Prophetic voices of Catholic Women Religious
• Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching
• My family

What she loves outside of NETWORK:
• Books, the outdoors, books, museums, books, running, and books

Originally from: Minnesota, but Tucson is home

Why she likes D.C.: Whatever your passion, you can find others who share it. Also, it is home to the WNBA’s Washington Mystics!