Janée’s Peaceful Rebellion
Janée Woods - West Hartford, Connecticut
Janée tells us about the organization "Connecticut forum," which brings together people who are knowledgeable about prominent issues to speak to large crowds.
She shares how the program included many big names but was disconnected from the local community and, while it was about race, they didn't invite anyone from Black Lives Matter. However, they did offer the Bishop some free tickets (the tickets were expensive so many community members couldn't attend). Janée, the bishop, and others attended to disrupt the forum.
When some people in the back chanted "Black Lives Matter," Janée gave a minute long speech about how talk isn't enough while calling attention to who was missing from the stage and the real issues in the community. She wanted to show people that sitting in the theater and applauding the forum isn't enough and doesn't change much on the ground.
She notes that it was a very divisive action, and she took a lot of flak, because people didn't initially understand why they had done it. Once people saw the video of her explaining that they were doing the disruption to call attention to the issue of talk without action, people understood the importance of the action.
Others also note that the disruption did shift the conversation in the forum to have a greater focus on Black Lives Matter and activism.