October 27, 2015
NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby is encouraged to hear that a budget deal has been reached that will surpass sequester budget caps for the next two years and raise the debt ceiling to prevent a default on our nation’s financial obligations. Achieving these objectives will lead to a more stable and secure economy that is better equipped to care for the needs of those who are vulnerable and to grow with innovation and improvement.
As Pope Francis said when he addressed the joint meeting of Congress in September “You are called to defend and preserve the dignity of your fellow citizens in the tireless and demanding pursuit of the common good, for this is the chief aim of all politics.” When our elected officials truly work for the common good, Congress can achieve substantial results.
“While not a perfect agreement, we are encouraged by the White House and Congressional leaderships’ work on the proposed budget deal that lifts the caps on non-defense spending. Unaddressed, sequester would have caused hardship for many hard working and vulnerable people in our nation,” said Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director, NETWORK. “However, NETWORK continues to be concerned about the proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act. We will continue to advocate for affordable, accessible healthcare for all as we call on Congress to pass a faithful federal budget.”
NETWORK encourages Congress to vote on ‘The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015’ this week so it can go into effect and congressional leaders can get to work on FY2016 appropriations.