FOR RELEASE: July 14, 2015
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
Washington DC: NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, today issued the following statement regarding the announcement today of a nuclear agreement with Iran:
We were relieved today when President Obama announced that negotiators had finalized the Iran—P5 Nuclear Agreement. We strongly urge Congress to approve this historic step toward peace.
Expressing her gratitude, Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK’s executive director, said: “This is the first time in years that diplomacy has triumphed over the military option. As Pope Francis has often said, dialogue is the path forward to peace.”
The president and negotiators, including Secretaries Kerry and Moniz, showed great leadership as they worked tirelessly to reach an agreement that reduces the risk of nuclear proliferation while seeking to pivot from a policy of isolation of Iran to that nation’s further integration into the world community. Their dedication also potentially averted another devastating war in the Middle East. For that, we are profoundly grateful.
True security cannot be achieved by bluster and arms. Rather, we hold strong to the belief that a combination of diplomacy, humanitarian efforts, and identifying lasting nonviolent solutions to international crises is the way to secure a lasting peace. That is the true way forward.
As a world power, we cannot ignore lessons we have learned in the Middle East and elsewhere. The costs of our war with Iraq were enormous in lives lost, many thousands maimed, and money squandered. Israel will be stronger and safer because of this agreement, and we cannot allow internal Israeli politics to derail its implementation. Legislators who for short-term political gain would vote against the Iran nuclear agreement do not represent the will of the people. We have made it clear that we as a nation are sick of war.
As Pope Francis said, “War is madness.” That is especially true when it can be easily averted.
We agree with President Obama when he says, “It would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal.” Congress will have 60 days to review the agreement, and we will ensure that voters’ voices are heard.
We say to Congress now: A vote to oppose the Iran nuclear agreement can only result in either a nuclear Iran or war. Both are unacceptable. Do your duty and vote for peace.