For Immediate Release: March 14, 2020
Contact: Lee Morrow, [email protected], 202-601-7871
House Coronavirus Package Puts Families First
Sr. Simone: “We need true leadership in this crisis, and the President clearly isn’t up for the job.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi has taken action to combat the health crisis gripping our nation by passing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This bill will provide free coronavirus testing to anyone who needs it, paid emergency leave to workers, enhanced unemployment insurance, strengthened food security initiatives, and increased federal funds for Medicaid. NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice strongly supports this legislation.
This is the leadership our nation so desperately needs right now. The 40 House Republicans who voted against this bill have done a great disservice to their constituents in crisis. We must prioritize families most in need and ensure that all people have access to healthcare.
The Senate must pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act into law immediately. For the Senate not to pass this urgently needed legislation would be an abdication of their responsibility to keep their constituents safe.
Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice said:
“We need true leadership in this crisis, and the President clearly isn’t up for the job. While President Trump focuses on giving tax breaks to his friends in big business and scapegoating immigrants, the House Democrats are focused on protecting families first. Their bill will ensure that everyone can be tested for cornoavirus, regardless of your income. It will also allow sick workers to stay home, making everyone safer. These are common sense ways to limit the spread of the disease.
“The House coronavirus response package is the first step we need to keeping our nation safe. Now we need Mitch McConnell’s Senate to pass the House bill passed into law. Lawmakers have a sacred and moral obligation to the people. I pray that they will act in a bipartisan fashion to respond to this moment of profound crisis.”
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic Sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. They have a nearly 50-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.