North Carolina, Call Senator Tillis and say NO to Judge Barrett’s Confirmation

Judge Barrett Is a Threat to Health Care, Immigrants, Workers’ Rights, and More


The Senate Judiciary Committee’s three days of hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, did nothing to assuage our greatest concerns that if confirmed, she will work to overturn the Affordable Care Act and take away health care for more than 20 million Americans. This rushed confirmation process comes at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic and deaths of more than 200,000 Americans highlight the urgency and importance of ensuring all people have quality, affordable, accessible, and equitable health care.

Senator Tillis will be a deciding vote in Judge Barrett’s Senate confirmation this week.

Call Senator Tillis’s office today and make your opposition heard: 1-888-897-9753.

President Trump’s nomination of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court is another example of this President and his Republican supporters turning their backs on fundamental faith teachings that tell us to love our neighbor, particularly those who are most vulnerable. We must say NO to confirming Judge Barrett.

Call Senator Tillis Today: 1-888-897-9753

Tell the Senator’s office: “I’m a Catholic voter in North Carolina and I oppose Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation. We need a Supreme Court Justice who supports basic human needs, like health care. I urge Senator Tillis to vote NO on Judge Barrett’s confirmation.”