José Arnulfo Cabrera is one of two NETWORK Government Relations Associates. He works with NETWORK’s Lobby team and coalitions to advocate to advance federal policies inspired by Catholic Social Justice. José graduated from Xavier University May of 2018 with a degree in Entrepreneurship and a Minor in Justice and Peace Studies. While at Xavier, he worked at Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center as the Immigration Program Organizer where he organized the Youth Educating Society, YES, group. Where he finds inspiration for his work: • Rallies • Listening to the stories of those affected by the issues NETWORK advocates for • Learning and hearing about past movements that fought for justice and liberation What he enjoys doing outside of work: • Watching movies • Going to museums • Hiking Originally from: José was born in Veracruz, Mexico but grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio Why he likes being in DC: To be an Associate at NETWORK! Oh, and I guess chase after my dream? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Follow him on Twitter: @josecabrera95