July 01, 2015
NETWORK strongly supports the Obama administration’s proposed rule to reform overtime pay for salaried workers. Our position is based on our faith’s teaching related to the dignity of work and need for the economy to serve all people, not just those at the top. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation. The dignity of work must be protected by providing workers basic rights, including the right to decent and fair wages. Prosperity must be shared by all workers – from the front office to the janitorial staff – if we are to create a society where work strengthens all families and communities.
For far too long, middle class men and women have been asked to work harder and harder and have received no increase in wages. They have met the challenge; productivity levels are at an all-time high. At the same time, overtime protections for the middle class have been significantly cut back. In 1975, more than 60% of salaried workers were protected by overtime laws, but today it’s only 8%. Meanwhile, CEOs are benefiting from increased worker productivity and have seen their salaries and bonuses sky rocket. This is unjust.
NETWORK believes, as Pope Francis has written, that “the dignity of each human person and the pursuit of the common good are concerns which ought to shape all economic policies” (Evangelii Gaudium). Raising the overtime threshold for salaried workers to $50,400 would help five million people receive just wages. That money will be invested in families and communities. It is time for workers to be fairly compensated for the work they do, and the proposed rule is a step toward creating an economy where prosperity is shared. This will create stronger communities for the 100%.