For Immediate Release: June 27, 2023
WASHINGTON—Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision rejecting an extreme interpretation of the “independent state legislature theory” is a welcome development, according to NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. The decision ensures a measure of structural stability in future U.S. elections and the fostering of a democracy that responds to the needs and safeguards the voices of all communities.
In response to the 6-3 decision authored by Chief Justice Roberts, NETWORK Executive Director Mary J. Novak and NETWORK Deputy Executive Director and Chief Equity Officer Joan F. Neal said:
“Today’s ruling upholds the systems of checks and balances that are foundational to our democracy. We at NETWORK — and all those committed to promoting a strong democracy that protects all voting rights, especially the rights of marginalized communities, and ensures stable federal elections — are relieved that the Court has rejected the dangerous idea that state legislatures should be empowered to overturn the will of voters. We must continue working to build a democracy that includes everyone. NETWORK is grateful to the Supreme Court for sending the message loud and clear that such spurious claims will not survive scrutiny.”
Strengthening democracy is a priority of NETWORK’s policy agenda. NETWORK works for a just, inclusive, and participatory political system by advocating for legislation that ensures voting rights for all people, fair electoral processes, equitable drawing of Congressional districts, and accountability of elected representatives to the people, not to wealthy corporations and donors
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NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic Sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. With a 50-year record of accomplishment and more than 100,000 supporters across the country, NETWORK advocates for federal policies that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.