Unleash Generosity for NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus 2020 Site Visit Organizations!

Maggie Brevig
December 1, 2020

Every year on #GivingTuesday, the nonprofit community mobilizes millions of people across the globe to show up, give back, and change their communities. The goal is to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day, and touches every person on the planet.

This #GivingTuesday, I am incredibly thankful for the many people and organizations who have been part of NETWORK’s critical advocacy efforts this year. From pivoting to virtual lobby visits and streaming interfaith vigils, to taking Nuns on the Bus off the road and directly available to anyone with internet access, hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of activists came together this year to build toward a shared vision of justice for our world.

If you are inspired by all that NETWORK has done this year, I invite you this #GivingTuesday to unleash generosity not only for NETWORK, but also the organizations that partnered with us for Nuns on the Bus site visits. And I hope you encourage your family and friends to do the same!

Nuns on the Bus 2018 Tour speaking at the Women’s Community Revitalization Project.

#GivingTuesday invites us to think about how we can give of ourselves to support others. Where and how you choose to give is up to you. The most important, and communal, part of this day sharing your reason for giving with your networks and encouraging them to join you.

So at NETWORK, I want to share with you the organizations who generously gave their time and brought their expertise and experiences to our Nuns on the Bus 2020 site visits. I encourage you to visit their websites listed below and learn more about their ministries. And I hope you’re moved to support the organizations that inspire you. These organizations are doing critical work in their local communities all across the country, and if you watch the videos of their site visits, you’ll see how vital and interconnected their work is with our national work for justice.

I hope you join me in giving back this #GivingTuesday!

And support NETWORK to continue educating, organizing, and lobbying for justice.