Press Advisory
FOR RELEASE: April 23, 2015
CONTACT: Stephanie Niedringhaus, 202-347-9797 x224, [email protected]
WASHINGTON, DC— In a Capitol Hill briefing, prominent faith leaders from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions will offer their faiths’ perspectives on the federal budget. The briefing will include information about “Faithful Budget,” an interfaith alternative to current proposals in Congress—with discussion about the federal budget as a moral document, what their faiths say about budget priorities, and how Congress can respond. In the words of the preamble to the faithful budget vision, “the debate over our annual budgets should principally focus on how best to strengthen communities and ensure a sustainable common good, addressing the legacy of failed policies that have led to historic rates of long-term unemployment, unconscionable poverty in a land of immense wealth, and an economy that is failing to generate sufficient jobs at fair wages.”
- “2016 Budget: The Faithful Way Forward” briefing for congressional offices
- Sister Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, and author of A Nun on the Bus: How All of Us Can Create Hope, Change, and Community
- Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director, Religious Action Center and Senior Vice President of the Union for Reform Judaism
- Ms. Maggie Siddiqi, Program Director, American Muslim Health Professionals
- The Reverend J. Herbert Nelson, II, Director for Public Witness at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness
- Tuesday, April 28, 2015
- 1:30-2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
- U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Room HVC-215
NETWORK—a Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace—educates, organizes and lobbies for economic and social transformation. Founded in 1971 by 47 Catholic sisters, NETWORK is supported by thousands of groups and individuals committed to working for social and economic justice. ● ● ● Twitter: @NETWORKLobby